Steven Newby

Terrapin Hollow Animation Studios, Director

Ozarks Region
  • Editing / Post - Editor
  • Production Companies - Animation
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1315 Prism Dr
Leslie, Arkansas 72645
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Special Skills

We specialize in full motion graphics, and 2D and 3D animation to enhance documentaries, educational content, music videos, commercials, branded website content and film. Fluent in the BlackMagic Design suite of editing, color-grading and animation software, we bring to your project the same technology that's put to work behind many Hollywood blockbusters, including the Marvel films. Whatever the need, our product can fill an entire scene, or it can integrate seamlessly with live action footage. No matter how grand or fantastic the vision: if you can imagine it, we can create it. Whether you're shooting for the big screen or the tiny one everyone carries in their pocket, we'll help you make a product that really stands out.


Websites and Social Networks

Additional Information

Full Motion graphicsStoryboarding2D and 3D computer animationFilmEditingColor-gradingAudio Production

Last Updated: March 10, 2022